As more corporate plan their yearly roadmap for CSR and want to get more strategic with their programs to give back, the biggest question that arises is – who do you partner with? Corporate recognize that in the first few years of giving, it is strategic to partner with non-profits that have strong on-ground experience, are trustworthy and transparent, rigorous in their execution and can deliver the results on the ground within reasonable timeframes.
As more corporate plan their yearly roadmap for CSR and want to get more strategic with their programs to give back, the biggest question that arises is – who do you partner with? This is among some of the most glaring problems of any corporate house. We have provisions for integrating our work with any CSR group to work ahead inthe batterment of the society.
Corporate recognize that in the first few years of giving, it is strategic to partner with non-profits that have strong on-ground experience, are trustworthy and transparent, rigorous in their execution and can deliver the results on the ground within reasonable timeframes.
Undertaking socially responsible initiatives is truly a win-win situation. Not only will your company appeal to socially conscious consumers and employees, but you'll also make a real difference in the world. Keep in mind that in CSR, transparency and honesty about what you're doing are paramount to earning the public's trust.