Spiritual Activities


India is home to 1/4 of the world's unreached.

India with its 1.27 BILLION people is home to the largest number of unreached people groups in the world. India still has over 100 languages that do not have even portions of the Holy Bible translated into them. Of its 4,693 ethnic groups and out of these 1245 groups were reached with gospel. Almost there are 3,450 ethnic groups yet to reach in India. Christians are thought to make up about 2% of the total population.

The New Testament type of evangelism is personal evangelism. In this type of evangelism individual Christians are directly involved in presenting the message to those who have not heard it. God chooses those who will be evangelist as Ephesians 4:11(KJV) says “and He himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and Teachers.” This occurred in the New Testament following persecution in Jerusalem. The disciples, except for the apostles, were scattered and evangelized everywhere throughout the land.

In recent times, many have been encouraged to go out individually to "win souls," and a number of churches have concentrated on personal evangelism in connection with visitation, contacting and talking to people in their homes. Personal evangelism has the advantage of being direct and personal, with the potential of meeting the individual needs of the person who hears the message, and it reaches out to those who would never go to a meeting to hear it. The disadvantage is that the preparation of individual Christians is often limited and the message is not made clear in the time available.

We share Gospel through the following methods:

  • Circle of Influence
  • Handy Guide
  • Paper Gospel
  • Evangelism Card
  • Road to Emmaus
  • Personal Testimony
  • L.O.V.E
  • B.L.E.S.S

A gift of $500 to Evangelize completelty the unreached village.


Over a billion people ... scattered across more than 600,000 villages ... over 5,500 cities ... 3,335 people groups yet to reach….. and thousand’s of sprawling slums.

Our desire is to train as much as Disciples in our life time. At least we want to train and make disciples 5000 disciples by the end of 2030. A disciple will get the support $ 75 per month and it will continue for 5 Years only. After that they must become self support.

According to Christ’s Great Commission, it is the duty of every Christian to “ GO into all the World and preach the Gospel to every one and to make them disciples of Lord Jesus Christ by baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit (Mark 16:15 and Math 28:19-20).

India is the most populous country in the 10/40 window. India's communities contain more people groups, religions, and languages than anywhere else on earth. India is the place fertile field for evangelism where there is great harvest of Souls to Win for Christ. The needs here are staggering.

This primer is intended to help you and your church to start, lead, develop, grow, and manage a discipleship program. Training is not just another word for discipleship. Discipleship places the emphases on our spiritual growth, learning the Word and the disciplines and doctrines of the faith, which is paramount for all Christians. Training is the growth and learning in the area of a task that needs to be accomplished in the church to further the kingdom of God, such as a program, service or need. Bible teaching is a cyclic system of discipleship and it continues the process until Christ returns. The Biblical method of Discipleship is as follows.

Jesus--> Disciples --> Shared the Gospel -->Believers -->Disciples

We are going to Train 12 disciples among each tribe. Total 36 disciples will be trained among KOYA, KONDA REDDI and GERASIYA tribe in 3 years of time.

We provide Monthly Honorarium, Teaching, Training, Bicycles, Charging Light, Music Instruments, Chargeable Megaphone and Church Buildings to these Disciples to plant churches in their respective places.

One great advantage of working here is that a pastor and family can be fully supported for $75 per month.

A gift of $1000 to make fully Disciple in two years of time.

Church Forming- Onsite Training Program

Church Forming is the establishing of an organized body of believers in a new location. The process of Church Forming involves evangelism, the discipleship of new believers, the training of church leaders, and the organization of the church according to the New Testament model. Usually the process also includes writing a church charter and/or doctrinal statement and finding a place to meet. Church Forming is a specific focus within the larger work of “missions.” Church planters are missionaries who concentrate their efforts on preaching and teaching the Word of God. The ultimate goal of most church planters is to glorify the Lord in a community by founding an autonomous, self-propagating body of believers. Once this goal has been reached and the church is able to stand on its own, the church planter will usually move on to a different community and begin the process again.

Churches that have the vision and capacity to multiply three or more new churches within a five-year period of time are considered church multiplication centers. Obviously, these Church Forming churches are key to a growing movement. These multiplication centers in helping recruit, assess, train, coach, and make them the followers of Jesus Christ.

A gift of $3,000 will fully sponsor a Church Planter’s training for a year. And a gift of any amount goes a long way toward that goal.


In this difficult situation we need to take wise decision. Therefore the primary focus of our ministry strategy in India is to train local as many Christ-like servant leaders as possible for the Church in the Indian sub-continent.

  • Short Term Training: The discipling, equipping and training ministry’s focus has been the Church. Equipping believers; with the aim of planting, strengthening, and consolidating local churches. We have endeavored to meet the needs which range from those with no knowledge of the Bible to that of the believer requiring a deeper knowledge of the word equipping Pastors, teachers, evangelists and make them the follower and doers of Christ.
    A gift of $200 to provide Short time training for 20 people.
  • Replication Training: The ultimate objective of discipleship is replication. Our goal is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. Discipleship without multiplication is not real discipleship. In discipleship, we want to lead others to practice the disciplines necessary for spiritual growth and to equip them with a simple game plan for discipling others.
    RTP is an organic, intentional, and simple process for equipping all believers to live a lifetime lifestyle of making and multiplying disciples. Living the discipleship life involves leading a Group of thirty people can meet monthly once and taught the process in 5 modules. It’s important to remember that repetition leads to replication.
    A gift of $500 to provide training for people per year.
  • Technological Training: The Theological Training is designed to train men / women for gospel ministry in the 21st century. The thinking behind the course is that there is an urgent need for men who can faithfully preach and teach God’s timeless truth and relate and apply it to our ever changing world.
    If you want to be a preacher and pastor, we can provide the essential training you need. Our lecturers are experienced pastors – men who want to equip students for the realities of ministry life. Our course is in-depth, comprehensive, rigorous and challenging. We cover everything from biblical languages to medical ethics, church history to Discipleship.
    A gift of $200 to provide 3 years Intensive Training for one person.

Adopt a Village

If, you seriously thinking to contribute something back to the society or communities, you can consider adopting a village for some specific duration. We are promoting a new innovative scheme of ‘adopt a village scheme’ to facilitate positive impacts among rural & tribal communities by Social Action and Spiritual development. By this scheme,  we are not going to change the village in to big city’s or completely bring a solution to all pressing problems. We are advocating children lead change in the villages, where we can try to address the issues of water, open defecation, poor waste management, corruption, Right to Information, etc. We can bring a change among the safe sanitation & drinking water practices among poor & rural communities, increase their knowledge and understanding on solid & liquid waste management, rain water harvesting, etc. 

A gift of $50,000 will fully sponsor a Village for 3 years. And a gift of any amount goes a long way toward that goal.


India, the world's largest democracy, is also home to some of the fiercest sectarian religious violence in recent years. Christians have been killed, their homes burned to the ground; they've been beaten, their daughters raped, their belongings confiscated. Particularly for independent churches in rural areas, it includes physical assault, attacks on churches and Christian property, and harassment of Christian workers, Pastors, Evangelists and missionaries. While government officials condemn the violence, they rarely lift a finger to end it or bring to justice the perpetrators. So, India is a land that needs Jesus. Pray for strong, indigenous partnership, for effective ministry among nationals and for the Spirit of God to anoint the work and workers to advance His Kingdom and glorify the name of Jesus.